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Babysitting proposti :
Babysitting, Babysitting part-time /pre o doposcuola, Tata a domicilio, Ragazza alla pari (info)

Nastaran, ragazza alla pari - 20123 Milano

I punti forti di Nastaran


My name is Nastaran and I just graduated from Politecnico di Milano in interior design.

I live in Milan and I starting my career as a freelancer designer in a home office so I have a lot of free time for myself.

I have been teaching kids language through painting, singing playing music, and games since I was in a bachelor's.
I think that learning during everyday life is the most effective way of learning a new language, especially for kids.

During games, they repeat and repeat the words and sentences that they've just learned. this method also helps them to grow other abilities such as painting or playing musical instruments, etc.

Here in beautiful Italy, I want to continue working with kids because I like interacting with them and I enjoy it when they start to use the thing that they have learned. they are full of energy and keen on learning and it makes them interesting to cop with.

looking forward to the kind messages of yours.


Mini CV

Servizi proposti Babysitting
Babysitting part-time /pre o doposcuola
Tata a domicilio
Ragazza alla pari
Esperienza Esperienze in famiglia: babysitting di fratelli e sorelle, cugini.
Si è già occupato/a di bambini di da 1 a 3 anni
da 3 a 6 anni
più di 6 anni
Lingue parlate Inglese (bilingue)
Italiano (principiante)
Servizi aggiuntivi Aiuto con i compiti : Sì, per le elementari
Cucina per i bambini : Sì, ne sono capace
Aiuto faccende domestiche / stiro : No, preferisco di no


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37 anni
Nastaran, ragazza alla pari - 20123 Milano


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8,50 €
Babysitting occasionale
10,00 €
Babysitting part-time/ pre o doposcuola
9,00 €
Tata a domicilio

Depends on the situation, it can be negotiable.