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Lezioni proposte :
Inglese, Altro

Pelin, prof privato di lingue - 20158 Milano

I punti forti di Pelin


My name is Pelin , I am 23 years old. My English level has been determined as C1 due to the score I obtained from the IELTS test. Since I am in the field of research, all of my courses, the seminars I attended during my bachelor's and master's were held in English. And I have received a good quality English language education during high school, middle school and primary school. Additionally, I attended some international projects that were also requiring me to go abroad. Therefore, I can say that all of these experiences, improved my English level significantly. Currently, I am in the second year of my master's program, working as an intern at INGM in the field of Molecular Biology of the Cell. I am still a student, therefore some extra income could be very useful. If you are already in possession of course materials for English (from your school and etc.), we can use them as a source to do our lessons. I am free during weekends and after 17:30 during the weekdays. Plus, I would enjoy sharing the information I have with those who want to learn.

Mini CV

Lezioni proposte Inglese
Esperienza Do lezioni da 1-2 anni.
Lingue parlate Francese (principiante)
Inglese (corrente)
Italiano (principiante)


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24 anni
Pelin, prof privato lingue - 20158 Milano


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15,00 €
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My English level is C1 and I am in the second year of my master's program, working as an intern at INGM in the field of Molecular Biology of the Cell. I am still a student, therefore some extra income could be very useful. If you have already course materials for English (from your school and etc.), we can use them as a source to do our lessons.