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Servizi proposti :
Famiglia ospitante, pensione, Visita a domicilio, Passeggiata.

Priscilla Mary, pensione cani a Vicenza

I punti forti di Priscilla Mary


Hello everyone. My name is Priscilla Mary . I am a American, living in Italy for 25 years.
I live in the center of Vicenza.
I ADORE animals. Cats and Dogs.
I have two very friendly Dogs of the Breed Lagotto Romagnolo .
A female called Judy Garland and a male called Damien Del Monte Dea. My dogs get along with every dog.

I have a large apartment in the center of Vicenza and a lovely park in front of my home.

As a Petsitter, I'm worth it.
I am reliable and enthusiastic.
I am trustworthy.
I take the upmost care of your pet or pets as if they were my own and protect them from harm and truly enjoy playing with them or even washing them.
This is a service that deserves this price.
I know I am expensive but we are talking about the care of your most beloved pets ( family members):

Thank you and have a beautiful day.
Priscilla :)

Mini CV

Servizi proposti Famiglia ospitante, pensione
Visita a domicilio
Esperienza Ho già molta esperienza
Animali custoditi Cane, Gatto, Roditore
Lingue parlate Inglese (madrelingua)
Spagnolo (bilingue)
Italiano (corrente)


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Priscilla Mary
61 anni
Priscilla Mary, pensione cani Vicenza


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10,00 €
al giorno
Prezzo richiesto

Hello everyone. My name is Priscilla Mary Wilkes. I am a American, living in Italy for 25 years.
I live in the center of Vicenza.
I ADORE animals. Cats and Dogs.
I have two very friendly Dogs of the Breed Lagotto Romagnolo . A female called Judy Garland and a male called Damien Del Monte Dea.
As a Dogsitter
I'm worth it. I am reliable and enthusiastic.
I am trustworthy.
I take the upmost care of your pet or pets as if they were my own and protect them from harm and truly enjoy playing with them or even washing them.
This is a service that deserves this price.
I know I am expensive but we are talking about the care of your most beloved pets ( family members):

Thank you and have a beautiful day.
Priscilla :)