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Govind Gopal, lezione d'inglese - 20147 Milano

I punti forti di Govind Gopal


My name is Govind. I am from India, currently pursuing my Masters in Hospitality management
from IULM uUniversityMilan.
I would like to express a keen interest in exploring tutoring opportunities in the subject of
English with young learners of all age groups.At undergrad level, English was one of my major
subjects at an International school of repute in India. I took up tutoring for the same while
pursuing my Graduation studies in Mumbai.
My forte - Providing targeted, result oriented teaching support.I am able to
precisely identify the stumbling blocks in the learners very quickly and can help them in bridging
the learning gap effectively. As my mother was a highly regarded elementary and middle school
level tutor at the EFL department ( English as Foreign language) of American Embassy School,
New Delhi ;I was therefore exposed at an early stage to the best practices in the field.I observed
and assisted her sometimes (under her able guidance) with setting up of assignments, which
brought forth academic success and confidence in learners.This process helped me
immensely in acquiring and applying these teaching and facilitating skills with my tutoring in
I am responsible, punctual, reliable, dedicated, thoughtful and patient as a facilitator. Possessing
a good attitude along with warm and gentle manners, helping and befriending people comes
naturally. I connect and engage easily , especially with youngsters.
I am an avid reader with an interest in theater.
I love football with a passion and also like to play sudoku , chess and squash ( won
I will be happy to share more details and provide references as and when required.

Mini CV

Lezioni proposte Inglese
Esperienza Do lezioni da più di 2 anni.


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Govind Gopal
25 anni
Govind Gopal, lezione inglese - 20147 Milano


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6,00 €
Prezzo richiesto

This is the rate at that I was previously employed with