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Bryan, lezione d'inglese - 20129 Milano

I punti forti di Bryan


My name is Bryan and I am a 32 year old former construction business owner from New York. I decided to move to Italy in May of this year for a career change and I couldn't be happier here!

I am a certified TEFL instructor through Via Lingua in Florence with a specialization in Business English. I have experience teaching both adults and children in Italy, privately or in a group setting. This summer, I taught children in Amantea on the coast of Calabria at a summer camp and instructed adults in private lessons. I also possess a Master's Degree in International Affairs from Boston University and can be particularly helpful for those who wish to study abroad.

I am a strong believer in the communicative methodology and encouraging the student to speak as much as possible, as this is the most difficult aspect of learning a foreign language. I want my students to feel as comfortable as possible while still maintaining a professional atmosphere.

I currently live near Porta Vittoria in Milano. Please feel free to contact me anytime for a needs analysis!

Mini CV

Lezioni proposte Inglese
Esperienza Do lezioni da 1-2 anni.


Bryan può fornirti su richiesta i recapiti degli ex-datori di lavoro che lo/la raccomandano.

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40 anni
Bryan, lezione inglese - 20129 Milano


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20,00 €
Prezzo richiesto

20 Euros/hour - General English, Exam Preparation
25 Euros/hour - Business English, Essay Writing