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Loïck, giovane ragazzo alla pari a Pordenone

Patente di guida
Non fumatore
Aiuto con i compiti
Strumento musicale

Dear Family,
My name is Loïck, I am 20 years old born on the 18th of March, 2000. I grew up on a small French Island in the Indian Ocean called La Réunion. And most of the time, i get asked "what can't you do ?" Art wise.

"When I was younger so much younger than today...". As a child, I had the chance to travel to a few countries in Europe, to South Africa..., (and even on a small deserted Island called named Tromelin). And so i am opened on the world, the culture etc.

I am looking for a role of au pair. Preferably in Reunion.

I would say that as an aupair i am really trying to put myself on the level of the children but still a figure of authority (that i build along the months)...
Sunny days are meant to spend outside so trip with the children to the park or the beach or anywhere enjoyable should do...
And to the parents, well i am very flexible.

Experience :

As a teenager I had a certain connection with the youth of France - presenting my island in the Auvergne region.
And of course I've supervised kids (family)

In 2019 :
From January to April : I was an aupair in Central London.
From August to September : I was an English tutor in Italy for the LSF (Lingue Senza Frontiere) organism.
And 2020/2021 i was in an italian aupair host. family.

Servizi proposti
Ragazza alla pari
Esperienza professionale, più di 5 anni.
Si è già occupato/a di bambini di
più di 6 anni
Lingue parlate
Francese (madrelingua)
Inglese (bilingue)
Italiano (letto, scritto, parlato)
Servizi aggiuntivi
Aiuto con i compiti
Cucina per i bambini
Aiuto faccende domestiche / stiro

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