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Sindhu, giovane ragazza alla pari - 56017 San giuliano terme

Non fumatore
Aiuto con i compiti

Performance Summary : Friendly and disciplined Babysitter with progressive experience in nurturing and developing children of different ages. Detail-oriented individual who has a special talent for preparing meals and formulas, serving meals, handling children’s overall activities, changing diapers and managing timetable as instructed by parents. Well-versed in monitoring the safety and well-being of children all times. Thorough understanding of age appropriate nutritional needs.


– Behavior Management
– Tutoring
– Attention to Detail
– Meal Preparation
– Night Wakening
– Emergency Handling
– Bathing and Grooming
– House Safety
– Hazards Prevention
– Diaper Changing
– Curriculum Implementation
– Hygiene Maintenance
• Bathe and dress infants and toddlers
• Change diapers and provide toilet training
• Prepare formulas and bottle-feed infants
• Prepare nutritious meals for children in keeping with employer’s instructions
• Arrange activities, games and day trips to give amusement and exercise to kids
• Take complete responsibility of children in the absence of parents
• Perform light housekeeping tasks
•Highly skilled in organizing and participating in daily activities of children
• Functional knowledge of providing emergency support
• Demonstrated ability to care for newborn babys.
• Proven ability to engage children in creative and learning activities

Babysitter/Parents’ Helper

• Helped parents with meal preparation, laundry, washing dishes and running errands
• Oversaw children’s homework and assignments
• Assisted parents in child control and family management
• Provided a fun and safe environment to children
• Took care of pets and garden

Servizi proposti
Babysitting part-time /pre o doposcuola
Tata a domicilio
Ragazza alla pari
Esperienze in famiglia: babysitting di fratelli e sorelle, cugini.
Si è già occupato/a di bambini di
da 3 a 6 anni
Lingue parlate
Inglese (letto, scritto, parlato)
Servizi aggiuntivi
Aiuto con i compiti
Cucina per i bambini
Aiuto faccende domestiche / stiro

Usa la Gestione Pro
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Babysitting occasionale
7,00 €
Tata a domicilio
7,50 €
The price is negotiable depending on the needs.

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San Giuliano Terme
Connesso oltre 6 anni fa - Disponibilità ora
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Per consultare le disponibilità di Sindhu, devi essere membro. Approfittane, è gratis 😀


Usa la Gestione Pro
Identità verificata
Email verificata
Telefono verificato
0 raccomandazioni verificate


Babysitting occasionale
7,00 €
Tata a domicilio
7,50 €
The price is negotiable depending on the needs.