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Andrea, di lezioni private d'inglese - 39100 Bolzano

I punti forti d'Andrea


Hi, I am Andrea . I am a student at Ca’Foscari in Treviso. I come from Skopje, Macedonia and I am 23 years old. I have studied English for more than 12 years.
I can offer help with English for school, such as homework and explaining the lectures and also improving in general the speaking, writing and listening of the language. The materials to be used for the lectures would be in accordance with the needs of the student.
The lectures will be held individually and the duration of the lecture can be modified based on the student.
The classes will be held in a friendly environment, in order for the student to gain more confidence in speaking the language.
Based on the age of the student and their willingness for study, we can also do activities outside of their school program such as games, reading books and watching movies, and having homework about evaluating them, which can help in general in gaining the courage to use the language more often and be confident, in more interesting way than just the classical study methods.

Mini CV

Lezioni proposte Inglese
Esperienza Do lezioni da più di 2 anni.
Lingue parlate Inglese (corrente)
Italiano (letto, scritto, parlato)


Andrea può fornirti su richiesta i recapiti degli ex-datori di lavoro che lo/la raccomandano.

Natalie R.

Abbiamo lasciato i nostri due cani ad Andrea per tre giorni e si sono trovati benissimo. È una persona molto affettuosa e professionale, si è occupata dei nostri pelosi come se fossero i suoi. Di sicuro ci rivolgeremo nuovamente ad Andrea quando ne avremo bisogno

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28 anni
Andrea, di lezioni private inglese - 39100 Bolzano


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10,00 €
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