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Ana, di lezioni private d'inglese - 20144 Milano


My name is Ana Peci.
I am 23 years old and I study at the Catholic University of Milan in the master's field of International Business. I started my journey in Milan three years ago, when I enrolled in the Catholic University for Economics and Management Bachelor's in English. My previous studies in High school were also taught and delivered in English. My efficiency in the English language is at the professional level and in 2019 I obtained the TOEFL exam with 91 points, ranking me at a B2-C1 level.
Nevertheless, I am continuously surrounded by an environment where the English language is spoken. As a student, I was very good at studying foreign languages and so I volunteered my skills to extra work for my language professors to help them sign assignments or exams. This helped me a lot in the sense of educational profile. On the other side, I am a very passionate type, a fast learner and I quickly adapt to changes. I love working with little kids, and obtaining the patience and devotion that this activity requires. My university schedule is very tight, nevertheless, my free timetable is from 6 pm - 8 pm every weekday, and available all the weekends (flexible).

Mini CV

Lezioni proposte Inglese
Esperienza Do lezioni da 1-2 anni.
Lingue parlate Inglese (corrente)
Italiano (corrente)
Spagnolo (letto, scritto, parlato)


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24 anni
Ana, di lezioni private inglese - 20144 Milano


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