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Saikusuma, babysitting a Mondello

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Non fumatore
Aiuto con i compiti

Iam Sai kusuma Polu. Iam currently studying Masters in Bologna University. I love children very much and like to take care of them. I will speak English fluently because it is my second language and I can teach them in understanding way.I cannot speak Italian much but I can manage. Now Iam working as a occasional baby sitter for 1 year baby. I will play with them and try to make them happy all the time. I can manage the household works also if possible.I like to take the children out so they learn things easily from surroundings and Iam an Environmental Engineer so I love nature alot and I feel nature teaches us a lot depending on our mood swings. Iam punctual, workoholic and a tidy person.I believe trust is important in every work to work comfortably.Iam attentive, sweet and Enthusiastic person. I like children because they are pure hearted and happy soul on earth. Being a baby sitter helped me a lot to learn new things.

Servizi proposti
Babysitting part-time /pre o doposcuola
Tata a domicilio
Esperienze in famiglia: babysitting di fratelli e sorelle, cugini.
Si è già occupato/a di bambini di
da 6 mesi a 1 anno
Lingue parlate
Inglese (corrente)
Servizi aggiuntivi
Aiuto con i compiti
Aiuto faccende domestiche / stiro

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Babysitting occasionale
7,50 €
I can do any work in home like cleaning house and I can teach English to children . So I feel the price is comfortable for as well as for me

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Babysitting occasionale
7,50 €
I can do any work in home like cleaning house and I can teach English to children . So I feel the price is comfortable for as well as for me