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Servizi proposti :
Compagnia, Assistenza durante i pasti

Noa, assistenza anziani domicilio a Bologna

I punti forti di Noa


My dear grandmother had two strokes. At the time, I lived with her, and I saw how much pain and heartache she went through. Many doctors and therapists came to help her, but in spite of all their efforts, her soul would still hurt. Luckily, we discovered what made her happy: she needed to spend time with people who cared about her and treated her normally. She needed me to come after school and tell her my stories, for her daughter to sit and have a meal with her, for her son to take her on a walk. Now that she’s gone, I really miss her. All I want is to give that time and affection to someone else like her, so I can make her happy again.

My name is Noa, I’m a 20-year old girl, and I study medicine in English here in Bologna.

Mini CV

Servizi proposti Compagnia
Assistenza durante i pasti
Esperienza Esperienza personale: assistenza in casa, ecc.
Lingue parlate Inglese (madrelingua)
Italiano (principiante)
Francese (corrente)
Spagnolo (corrente)


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23 anni
Noa, assistenza anziani domicilio Bologna


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